Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Katharina in Taming of the Shrew Essay - 2169 Words

The Character of Katharina in Taming of the Shrew In Shakespeares Taming of the Shrew, the character that has caused much debate and discussion has been Katharina, the shrew. The topic has usually been whether she was tamed, liberated, or whether she was just a good enough actress to make everyone think she was tamed. In this essay, I will present arguments for and against each of these points, as well as discuss one television adaptation of Taming of the Shrew that presents Katharina not as the expected shrew, but as Petruchios tamer. Katharina: The Whipped Shrew There is evidence that supports Katharina was tamed by Petruchio. For instance, in the opening of the play, Katharina is very vocal†¦show more content†¦Her speech leads the audience to see that this duty of the wife is one that is a repaymentto the husband for all the hard work he does to support her, a debt that the wife could never possibly repay. Reasons why Katharina might not have been tamed can be found in the fact that the play takes place in what seems to be just a few days. One must ask the question: Is it possible to cause such a great change in a persons behavior in such a short amount of time as this? It is very unlikely that it is possible, since Katharina, by the opening of the play, is at least 20 years of age and is very much set into her ways. It would take much longer to cure Katharina of this attitude problem she possesses. With this in mind, it is very likely that Katharina was either liberated by Petruchio in how to control her temper, or she acted as if she had been tamed to get everyone off of her back. Katharina: The Liberated Shrew Since it is not possible for Katharina to have been tamed by Petruchio in the short time period of the play, it is possible that she was liberated by Petruchios actions. In the movie version of Taming of the Shrew, starring Elizabeth Taylor as Katharina and Richard Burton as Petruchio, the ending sequence is presented with the widow and Bianca refusing toShow MoreRelated The Liberation of Katharina in Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew2222 Words   |  9 PagesLiberation of Katharina in Taming of the Shrew       In Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew, Katharina is presented ambiguously with much debate asking whether or not her character is tamed, liberated or whether or not in reality she was a good enough manipulator to make it appear that she becomes tame when in essence her character remains the same.   Within this essay I shall be concentrating on the aforementioned as well as discussing a television adaptation of Taming of the Shrew that presentsRead MoreThe Transformation of Katharina in the Play, Taming of the Shrew, by Shakespeare750 Words   |  3 PagesIn Shakespeares play, the Taming of the Shrew, Katharina Minola, known throughout the story as a stubborn Shrew, progressively transforms into a compliant wife. 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This play is about a man named Petruchio who is trying to tame a â€Å"shrew† Katharina .The play is misogynistic, which is apparent through the constant need for Petruchio to tame the shrew, Katherin a, women’s dependence on men, and the ownership of women in the play.Read MoreTaming Of The Shrew And 10 Thing I Hate About You1063 Words   |  5 Pagesisn’t the only thing that is valuable in this world. Although in many film texts this is not the case. Particularly in â€Å"Taming of the Shrew† and â€Å"10 Thing I Hate About You† because in both of the films, the main male characters Patrick and Petruchio are predominantly motivated by money. However, they ended up falling for Kat and Katharina who have been set up as the archetypal shrews in both films. During the Elizabethan era money was a major factor that influenced society’s view of your personal wealth

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